What We Believe
Here at Park Hill, we are dedicated to a continual growth in our understanding of the simple pattern for New Testament Christianity and maintaining the 1st century church in 21st century Fort Smith.
We hope you find our answers to the following questions useful to not only better understand who we are, but to also grow in your journey with the One who created you.
Do you believe that you can earn your salvation?
No, absolutely not! No man can obligate God to anything! God alone has the power to save us. We do teach that a person must obey God’s commandments in order to be pleasing to Him (God). Obeying God does not nullify God’s grace. He is still the one who authors salvation and has the right to place obligations on how we receive the salvation He provides us.
Do you believe in water salvation?
The Bible, in Ephesians 1:7 and Colossians 1:14, emphasizes that we are forgiven of our sins and saved by the blood of Jesus. To deny salvation by the blood of Christ would be to deny the Bible. While it is true that we believe one must be baptized to be saved (Mark 16:16), it is not true that we think we are saved by water rather than the blood of Jesus. The power is in the blood, not in the water!
Do you believe you can fall in and out of grace?
The Bible does teach that one who has been saved can fall from grace so as to be lost. Read Hebrews 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-30. As for the lack of confidence that so many suggest this doctrine would lead to, any one can compare their life to the divine standard and know confidently what their position is before God (See James 1:22-25). Therefore we can live in confidence if we will simply be obedient to Christ.
Why do you take the Lord's Super every week?
The Bible reveals that the early church met every first day of the week (1 Corinthians 16:2). One of the things they gathered to do was to “break bread,” that is, to observe the Lord’s Supper as described in Acts 20:7. It is according to this pattern that we remember the Lord’s Supper each first day of the week until He returns (1 Corinthians 11:26).
Why do you NOT use instruments in your worship?
It is true that the Park Hill church of Christ does not believe in the use of instrumental music in worship. However, this does not mean there is no music! The musical worship of the New Testament church was vocal. “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19). Do we have music? Yes. The music of our voices and the melody in our hearts.